Monday, August 11, 2014

NY Hindu Swami writes on the meaning of Krishna Janmashtami 2014

New York Hindu Swami writes on the meaning of Krishna Janmashtami 2014
New York Hindu Swami writes on the meaning of Krishna Janmashtmi 2014

A Hindu Swami in New York has written special a special message on the meaning of Krishna Janmashtami 2014. The Krishna Janmashtami 2014 message of Canadian-born Swami Nikhilanand Ji has been published on the website of Radha Govind Dham New York. This New York Hindu Temple will be the host of the first ever Krishna Janmashtami Block Party on August 17th and Swami Nikhilanand Ji will give a Krishna Janmashtami 2014 address during the celebration which will also include live bhajans, food, dandiya, dances and much more. Check out the Janmashtami event page, and join the mandir on facebook for more info, updates and to invite family and friends. Parents are encouraged to bring their kids in costume!

Swami Nikhilanand's message includes some background of what Janmashtmi is, important points to remember regarding Shree Krishna’s avatar and how we can make the most of this grand festival by celebrating it in a way that Krishna would want. Full message is available here.

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